ORFC 2025 9 – 10 Jan
Make this lunch break extra special:join us for a mindful eating session which will transform your mealtime into a meditation of gratitude. You will be guided into savouring every bite,
honouring the origins of your food, and engaging all your senses in this nourishing experience. Please bring your lunch (and utensils). Offered by the Conscious Food Systems Alliance (CoFSA).
Seeding Reparations will host lunchtime organising sessions for conference attendees already engaged in Reparations and/or anti-colonial work. This session is not an introduction, but a space for organisers to collaborate on setting the agenda and generating questions about existing efforts and better connecting them. On day one, participants will reflect and process their involvement in Reparations work in racial affinity groups to prepare for a multiracial coalition space on day two. Lunchtime sessions will be…
2022 saw the fourth women’s and non-binary farm hack - a participant created weekend where practical skills, knowledge and solidarity are shared, alongside a deep delve into the political and social implications of being women and non-binary landworkers and land justice activists. The film and discussion bring together many of the important elements of agroecology: land and food justice, peer to peer practical learning through the medium of farm hacks, and solidarity building and networking…
Open to all delegates at ORFC, especially public and private landowners, landseekers and new entrants into farming who are interested in finding space to put down roots for a new enterprise, or who can offer land to help kick-start a new farming based business. Come along, have a chat, make new connections!
Deep Listening, as developed by Pauline Oliveros, explores the difference between the involuntary nature of hearing and the conscious nature of listening. The practice includes listening to the sounds of daily life, nature, one’s own thoughts, imagination, and dreams. It cultivates a heightened awareness of the sonic environment, both external and internal, and promotes experimentation, improvisation, collaboration, playfulness, and other creative skills vital to personal and community growth. Led by artist Jaimini Patel, the workshop…
Applying soil health principles at scale is a challenge, with many farmers looking to stop ploughing but still relying on chemical weed killers and those unwilling to use chemical weed killers still relying on ploughing. We will explore this very complicated subject in an intelligent and positive way with two passionate soil enthusiasts. We will then hear the neutral perspective from the Environment Agency’s soil expert, who witnesses and has to deal with the end…
Livestock use in farming systems is a polarising topic, from the drive to net zero to the degradation of arable soils, the topic is much discussed and at times misunderstood. This discussion session will present ideas and approaches that look to reframe the case for livestock in the landscape, present approaches that drive farmer decision making related to optimal livestock carrying capacity on farms and moves away from reducing animals’ role in the landscape to…
2023 saw food prices in the UK skyrocket. Combined with a spike in energy prices, the cost of living for families across the UK rose dramatically, pushing countless families deeper into poverty. Meanwhile, supermarkets continued to generate enormous profits. Hiding behind a cost-of-living smokescreen, they hiked up their prices and handed out billions in shareholder profits, all the while attempting to persuade us that price increases are an inevitable result of factors outside of their…
The move away from the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) since Brexit has represented a golden opportunity to reinvent agricultural policy for a greener future. Since food and farming policy is devolved, each nation has come up with its own agri-environmental schemes. Whether it be AECS, ELMS, SFS, or EFS, the core principles remain the same - public money for public goods. The past few years have not been an easy ride, with delays, mistakes…