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ORFC 2025 9 – 10 Jan

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Panel Discussion
14:00 - 15:30 GMT
Thursday, 4 January 2024

Shifting the Narrative from a Cost-of-Living Crisis to a Cost-of-Profit Crisis

14:00 - 15:30 GMT
Thursday, 4 January 2024

Shifting the Narrative from a Cost-of-Living Crisis to a Cost-of-Profit Crisis

2023 saw food prices in the UK skyrocket. Combined with a spike in energy prices, the cost of living for families across the UK rose dramatically, pushing countless families deeper into poverty. Meanwhile, supermarkets continued to generate enormous profits. Hiding behind a cost-of-living smokescreen, they hiked up their prices and handed out billions in shareholder profits, all the while attempting to persuade us that price increases are an inevitable result of factors outside of their control. Are we living in a cost-of-living crisis? Or a more entrenched corporate greed crisis? Join our panellists to explore the ways in which we can inform public understanding about the entrenched corporate control of our food systems, what can be done to change the narrative around food inequality, and how we can begin to place the blame firmly at the door of those at the top of the supply chain.