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Panel Discussion
14:00 - 15:00 GMT
Thursday, 7 January

Future UK Trade Policy: What’s at Stake and Routes to Influence

14:00 - 15:00 GMT
Thursday, 7 January

Future UK Trade Policy: What’s at Stake and Routes to Influence

The UK has exited the EU but is in the process of striking trade deals with new partners around the globe and leading a big free trade agenda. This has enormous implications not only for our own food standards but those of our partners. This session is to explore where we are and discuss what we can influence still and how. Will the UK be leading the globe in setting high standards for the food that we accept in trade deals? Will we strike deals that support high environmental and animal welfare standards at home and abroad? Or will we unwittingly facilitate and lock in low standards in partner countries, making it harder for their farmers and citizens to farm in a nature-friendly way? We will be exploring who makes these decisions and what can we do to influence with some possible break out sessions led by trade campaigners.
