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Farm Practice
Panel Discussion
11:00 - 12:30 GMT
Friday, 6 January 2023

Farms Across Four Nations: Towards a more inclusive UK subsidy system

11:00 - 12:30 GMT
Friday, 6 January 2023

Farms Across Four Nations: Towards a more inclusive UK subsidy system

The shift away from area-based agricultural subsidies has been a welcome transition to those who recognise the flaws in a system which has essentially rewarded farmers and landowners for owning large amounts of land. As we embark on new farming subsidy policies in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England, which will instead incentivise farmers to adopt more sustainable farming practices, the question remains of where small farms – including market gardens, crofts, and urban and peri-urban farms – will fit into the picture. This panel discussion will explore the potential as well as the limitations of current subsidy reforms in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England in relation to small farms, the benefits that small farms bring to the UK’s food system as well as discuss recommendations for how UK subsidy reforms can better support these sectors.