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19:00 - 20:30 GMT
Tuesday, 12 January

Can Agriculture Be Decolonised? Opportunities and Obstacles for Agroecology

19:00 - 20:30 GMT
Tuesday, 12 January

Can Agriculture Be Decolonised? Opportunities and Obstacles for Agroecology


The session aims to create a space for dialogue around the idea of agroecology as a movement for decolonization and racial justice. We would like participants to share their experiences and knowledge of agroecology and collectively examine both the opportunities and limitations of agroecology as it is practiced today. Through a series of interactive and dialogic activities we intend to look deeper at how industrialised modes of producing and managing food systems have shaped our ways of thinking, even within the agroecological movement itself. 

We will start the session by sharing a call and response song as a grounding exercise. This will be followed by small group collective critical reading and discussion of definitions of agroecology from different sources. We will be asking participants to keep notes and think about what they can do practically and locally to further their understanding and practise of agroecology. Towards the end of the session we will ask participants to share with wider groups the results of their small group discussions. The session will be closed with a cultural offering: a poem, song, reflection or anything else participants may wish to offer.

Please note this workshop will be held in Zoom. Book your conference ticket to receive details on registering. The Zoom link to join will be emailed upon registration.