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Panel Discussion
13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Friday, 8 January

The Organic Market: Building Resilience

13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Friday, 8 January

The Organic Market: Building Resilience

COVID-19, Brexit and economic disruption are changing the UK sustainable food and drink markets, presenting new opportunities and challenges for organic farmers. This session outlines emerging trends and explores how farm businesses are adapting to build resilience in a time of change.

A changing world provides new opportunities and challenges for organic farmers. 

Drawing on robust organic market trend data, and featuring speakers from flagship organic farm businesses, this session offers valuable insight into the performance of, and outlook for, the organic food and farming sector. It provides opportunities to see what these farm businesses are doing in response to an uncertain and changing market. 

Hosted by Soil Association Certification and featuring speakers from Riverford, and The Ethical Dairy, we explore how organic operators are adapting their businesses and routes to market to maximise opportunities and build resilience into their sustainable food and drink markets.
