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14:00 GMT
Friday, 6 January 2023

Soiled: Composting Trauma (Workshop)

14:00 GMT
Friday, 6 January 2023

Soiled: Composting Trauma (Workshop)

We explore, through a sensory workshop, cycles of historical trauma embedded in the soil and reference narratives of global dispossessions harking back to early agricultural practice. Soil is ground to massacres, factory poisons, the site of struggles for survival. It remembers and re-members. Composting is degradation reparation: for soils, for damaged earth and for social fabrics. What makes good compost? Can we re-embody life in ways that can heal damaged ecologies? What is the place of grief within im/material processes? We will work with mind, body and soil to explore narratives of reclamation and relationship. We will tell stories, converse and work with earth to embed narratives of transformation.