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Panel Discussion
17:00 - 18:00 GMT
Wednesday, 13 January

It’s Capitalism Causing the Climate Crises: Agroecology Is a Solution

17:00 - 18:00 GMT
Wednesday, 13 January

It’s Capitalism Causing the Climate Crises: Agroecology Is a Solution

Agriculture and the food system accounts for nearly one third of all greenhouse gases, but the vast majority of this is from the energy intensive production and distribution of a few internationally traded commodities. Whereas farmers operating agro-ecological systems around the world produce food and resources for their communities while reducing cO2 emissions from agriculture and sequestering carbon at the same time. 

Many governments now accept the need for net zero but there is a huge amount of conflict over the strategies we need to get there. From corporate veganism to carbon offsetting these false solutions continue to rely on the exploitation of people and resources around the world, just as much as the current agri-industrial food system does. 

In this session, we will outline the Landworkers’ Alliance and La Via Campesina’s vision of how to create a genuinely climate friendly agriculture system while resisting the false solutions advocated for by the corporations ultimately responsible for reducing fossil fuels.

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