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17:00 - 19:00 GMT
Tuesday, 12 January

How Farms Can Soak up the Rain, Create Resilience to Flooding and Drought, and Improve the Health of Crops, Animals, and People

17:00 - 19:00 GMT
Tuesday, 12 January

How Farms Can Soak up the Rain, Create Resilience to Flooding and Drought, and Improve the Health of Crops, Animals, and People


Healthy topsoil forms a living matrix, a “soil sponge” that can soak up, hold, and filter rainwater, and maintain its structural integrity during water and wind events. This natural infrastructure makes life on land possible. By regenerating it, can address many of our major challenges:

  • improve the health of crops, animals, and people
  • provide resilience to flooding, drought, heatwaves, and wildfires
  • recharge water tables
  • clean up lakes and rivers
  • improve air quality
  • reduce conflicts over land and water
  • create landscapes with food and water for all
  • create habitat for diverse species

Didi Pershouse will engage participants in deep discussions about the soil sponge’s central role in the soil-plant-animal-atmosphere continuum; how all life on land participates in the creation of the soil sponge; and how we can help create the conditions for it to naturally regenerate.
