The ORFC Justice Hub shares reflections on the importance of supporter tickets
Supporter tickets are for anyone who can pay a little more. They ensure that we can provide low-cost tickets and bursaries for people who might find the cost of a ticket a barrier to attending.
Book In-person and Online Supporter Tickets
Disruptive Roots
The Oxford Real Farming Conference began as a disruptive gathering, leading the way in radical thought within agroecology. In line with our founding ethos, ORFC is committed to facilitating inclusive spaces and working towards wide and deep systems change. As part of our responsibility to address intersectional justice issues within the real food and farming movement, ORFC is working to increase accessibility and equity within the conference by offering a tiered ticketing system. This includes being able to purchase a supporter ticket, which means you pay extra to make the conference accessible to all.
A Space for All
The unique nature of ORFC, which does not distinguish between ‘experts’, landworkers and activists within the movement, has been deliberately cultivated so that the conference remains a community-led, relaxed and dynamic space. This aligns with the overall intention of the conference to serve the agroecological movement and its diverse global community, first and foremost.
As ORFC is non-profit, we have always been dependent on delegates and speakers alike supporting the conference through ticket sales. This keeps the conference affordable while encouraging speakers and delegates to be equally involved in the conference, which is co-created by all of us. However, for many speakers, the cost of attending ORFC is prohibitive.This financial barrier disproportionately impacts farmers, growers, educators, and activists from marginalised demographics that ORFC seeks to support, represent, and serve.
Building Solidarity
Much like the agroecological systems we advocate for, ORFC strives to build a diverse, empowered and resilient community of farmers, growers, activists, and land workers, and supporter tickets offer a tangible way of recognising our interdependence while contributing to the future of the movement. This ticketing model reflects our commitment to collaborative and sustainable skill-, knowledge-, and resource-sharing, and celebrates the ORFC’s unique vision of “real” farming rooted in agroecology, food sovereignty, and economic democracy.