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Cultural Event
16:00 GMT
Wednesday, 8 January 2020

The Herdsman: A Performance by Georgia Wingfield-Hayes

16:00 GMT
Wednesday, 8 January 2020

The Herdsman: A Performance by Georgia Wingfield-Hayes

On a farm where the land is alive, and the animals peaceful, the people too are happy. Depression is not simply a problem that resides within an individual, but a symptom of environ(mental) health, an indicator that we are on the wrong path. Storyteller, Georgia Wingfield-Hayes, tells the true story of Charles Ellet now happily herdsman of the Ethical Dairy, once herdsman on a 1500 cow intensive dairy farm where his mental health crashed. Through Charles’s story we see what cheap food is doing to the land, animals and people involved in its production. Charles is part of the panel in the following session on resilience.