Save the Date! The next ORFC will be on 9 - 10 January 2025
Lunchtime Talk
Panel Discussion
13:00 GMT

Investigative Ecology: Critical views on the politics of contemporary agriculture

13:00 GMT

Investigative Ecology: Critical views on the politics of contemporary agriculture

How can spatial practices within a framework of critical research intervene in the pressing ecological issues of our time? Investigative Ecology assembles artist-researchers from the Centre for Research Architecture (CRA) whose investigations look into the political forces shaping agriculture and the environmental space. We will cover issues from colonial land practices to nutritional violence, the digitisation of forests, and the enclosure of life-forms through intellectual property. Our practices come together in cultural, legal, institutional, and grassroots fora to instigate debate around capitalist agribusiness and land usage while also building new methods for intervention.