We are pleased to announce our workshops with Just Farmers at ORFC 2024.
Please note these workshops are ONLY for landworkers and we will be prioritising people new to landworking.
Following on from Tell Your Story PART1: Make Yourself Heard open session you can choose between one of two smaller intensive group workshops.
Workshop 1: Exploring Radio and Sound as a Storytelling Medium with Anna Jones: build your confidence in talking to the media as you take part in a short interview, on microphone, designed to mirror as closely as possible a real-life interview situation
Workshop 2: Introduction to Filming on Your Phone with Alex Price: learn how to make videos for social media with impact through the basic mechanics of filmmaking, storytelling and editing. For this workshop you will need to download an app in advance on to your phone on a free trial – which you will have to remember to cancel later.
- These two, concurrent sign-up workshops last two hours each.
- They run over lunchtime so you may want to bring a packed lunch!
- There are six places in each workshop so we may have to be selective depending on interest.
- These sessions are specifically being offered to newer voices in the space to help develop more upcoming land workers as advocates, build skills and confidence and support those who might not yet be in a position to be a panel speaker at the conference.
- If you do get a place at a Skills Workshop we recommend also attending Tell Your Story Part I: Make Yourself Heard as it sets the scene for the more intensive follow up work – this session is open to everyone even if you don’t get a space on a follow up workshop.
- Please there will be photography and filming at the conference. Please let ORCF know at registration if you do not want to be photographed or filmed.